Construction and Planning

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Biobased construction study

In 2021, the Net Zero Hub and York and North Yorkshire LEP sponsored Arup and Material Cultures to produce a report analysing the biobased materials construction industry in the NEY region and the associated opportunities to scale. If leveraged correctly, this sector could provide a leading role in effective decarbonisation of the built environment within the UK. The final report can be read here:

YNY Biobased Construction- Final Report

Durham Home Working Energy Usage Project

In 2021, Durham University, in collaboration with Durham County Council, commenced a report investigating the impact of Covid-19 on energy usage and carbon emissions in 7 office buildings. The findings of this study are presented in the below report:

Durham Home Working Energy Usage Report June 21

ERDF Energy Renovation Path Report

The below report from REBUS outlines the benefits of undertaking energy renovations of public buildings, and the steps that can be taken to implement these. Find out more below: 

REBUS Energy Renovation Pathways Report



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